Java Performance2
Java Performance
The Definitive Guide
著者:Scott Oaks
出版社:Oreilly & Associates Incorporated
著者:Scott Oaks寺田佳央
概要:Coding and testing are often considered separate areas of expertise. In this comprehensive guide, author and Java expert Scott Oaks takes the approach that anyone who works with Java should be equally adept at understanding how code behaves in the JVM, as well as the tunings likely to help its performance. You'll gain in-depth knowledge of Java application performance, using the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java platform, including the language and API. Developers and performance engineers alike will learn a variety of features, tools, and processes for improving the way Java 7 and 8 applications perform. Apply four principles for obtaining the best results from performance testing Use JDK tools to collect data on how a Java application is performing Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using a JIT compiler Tune JVM garbage collectors to affect programs as little as possible Use techniques to manage heap memory and JVM native memory Maximize Java threading and synchronization performance features Tackle performance issues in Java EE and Java SE APIs Improve Java-driven database application performance
概要:本書ではJVMのチューニングとJavaプラットフォームでの問題解決の双方からJavaパフォーマンスの「アート」と「サイエンス」を明らかにします。Javaアプリケーションのテスト手法やベンチマーク測定、パフォーマンス分析に必須のモニタリングツールを学んだうえで、さまざまな性能改善について議論します。JITコンパイル、ガベージコレクションというチューニングが大きな役割を果たす2つの仕組みについて最初に考察します。続いて、Javaプラットフォームのさまざまな側面で高いパフォーマンスを発揮するためのベストプラクティスを紹介します。具体的には、Javaのヒープメモリ、ネイティブメモリ、スレッド、Java EEのAPI、JPAとJDBC、そしてJava SEのAPIでのヒントを取り上げます。Java8対応。